Reciting more Quran for our mothers than for our fathers?
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04-16-2012, 12:15 AM
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Oct 2005
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Reciting more Quran for our mothers than for our fathers?
A sister asked me this today and I’d appreciate it if someone knowledgeable could help insha Allah ta’aala. The question is, if one dedicates some recitation of Quran to their parents, must it always be in a 3 to one ratio (e.g. 3 Juz for mother and one for father, or three surah Yaseens for mother and one for father etc.)?
I know we ought to love our mother three times more than our fathers so wouldn’t that mean we’re supposed do three times as much ‘ibadaat for them too (e.g. one mosque built for dad, three for mom or one hajj for dad, 3 for mommy)?
It was narrated by Abu Hurayrah that a man came to the Prophet and asked him: 'Who is most deserving of my close companionship?' He replied: “Your mother; your mother; your mother; then your father; then the next closest to you in kinship; then the one next closest.”
) Thank you and may Allah SWT reward us all bighaira hisaab. Amin.
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