wow. Masha'allah. Do you have daleel for this?? We've been doing it wrong all these years!!
Hakim al-Ummat Maulana Ashraf `Ali Tahanawi wrote: "Isaale Thawaab specifically for Rasulullah () According to Hadrat Haji Imdaadullah , the full thawaab of any `ibadah reaches every dead person; it is not divided between them. But love and respect demand that we should recite something and convey its thawaab specifically to Rasulillah even if it is not a great deal that we can read. For example, a person may recite Surah Ikhlas thrice and dedicate its thawaab specifically to Rasulillah ; or to the other Messengers of Allah :alayhi: ; or the pious people; or the ordinary Muslims whether dead or alive, or those to be born. And on a special occasion (such as when a person dies) a person may recite something and convey its thawaab to the marhum". In response to a question, Hadrat said that a person may even dedicate the thawab of any recitation to the living. [Discourses, p. 32] "Isaale Thawaab does not Diminish the Sender's Reward When a person makes Isaale Thawaab to the deceased, the reward of the sender does not decrease. A separate reward in full is given to the deceased. If there are multiple recipients, each one gets a separate reward in full". [Discourses, p. 40]