Why old women should do Hijab?
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04-16-2012, 04:50 AM
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Oct 2005
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. the third exemption is granted on the basis of a woman's personal situation.
If a woman has grown so old that no one would have any (sexual) desire towards her, nor is she marriageable,
for such a woman concession in hijab is allowed in that even strangers (non-Mahrams) are treated like mahrams for her.
She is not required to cover those parts of her body before non-Mahrams which are not required to be covered before mahrams.
Hence, it is said [arabic] (And those old women who have no hope for marriage - 60).
The explanation of this verse is already given above.
Although very old women are allowed to uncover those parts of their body before non-Mahrams which are not required to be covered before mahrams,
yet this exemption is allowed with the condition that they do so without applying any makeup or adornment.
The other thing said in the last is [arabic] (60) that is, it is better for them if they avoid going before non-Mahrams altogether.
so this was the opinion of Mufti Shafi Uthmani (ra) then?
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