Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Please tell your ulama (May Allah protect them.) NOT to think/publish/write/speak in English only. Go ask a French, an Italian or German average Muslim and he will cite you Turkish TV dajal scholars but not be able to name/identify real scholars like Mufti Taqi (May Allah protect him). Tell your scholars to get up, leave UK and come here to Germany, France, Italia etc.. They're already willingly living in Dar al-Kufr, so at least they should spread Islam in whole Dar al-Kufr and not just there where life's easy. They must spread the correct understanding of Islam everywhere not just on your island. In UK you got certainly many scholars and huffadh etc., but we in Germany, France etc. got nearly nothing. There is no use for so many scholars in a single country like UK, get up and do something useful. Publish books, speaks in German, French, Italian, Russian whatever. Do something, the world is not just Pakistan and UK. Open a map and look. Please take my advise and pass it on to your scholars as nobody will listen to a unworthy reconvert like me. Im just a weirdo who can be ignored as always... Jazak Allahu khayran