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12-14-2009, 03:19 PM
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Oct 2005
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As-Salamu `alaykum.
Here is a translation i have done of a french originial text i falled on there is several days ago, and found really interesting on the analysis. May Allah forgives me about some errors i could make in typing it. Amin.
By the Shaykh Ahmad al-`Alawi
Answering one day to a salafist-wahabi shaykh who said about the Sufi that they will be part of groups who will go to hell according to the sayings of the Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace) : “My community will divide into seventy and something groups. All are going to be in hell except one : it is the group of those who will follow the path which is mine and the one of my companions.”, the shaykh al-`Alawi had this following answer :
“But why don’t you narrate the Hadith reported by the Imam al-Ghazali in his Fasl at-Tafriqat ? The Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace) said : “My community will divide into seventy and something groups. They will all go in Paradise, except the group of the heretics.” Of course your sight didn’t fall on this Hadith ! It stopped on what was arranging yourself for promising the fire to the rest of Muslims and to keep for yourself the exclusivity of the Paradise, to those who look like you, your folks, and yourself.
Say : « If the last home beside Allah is promised to yourself, excluding anyone else, than wish the death if your are truthful ! “ But they will never desire it because of their own achievements they have done. Allah knows the cheaters." (QUR’AN 2-94)
I am guessing your wondering how we can conciliate these two sayings of the Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace). You will only find a Sufi to resolve this difficulty or others like it. Unfortunately, you won’t bow to ask him, because your jealousy has closed the door of the objectivity inside you, and is blocking to consider your misses. Anyway, i will say what Allah revealed [to this Sufi] ; supposing you don’t need it, it will always be useful for others.
The two sayings are easily concealable. It is sufficient for that to consider that the term “community” is pointing the whole of those that this message is given in the first Hadith, and the whole of those who answer to this call in the second. The sense is then clearer when we consider the complete form of the Hadith which is : “Jews divided into 71 groups and the Christians 72. About my community, it will divide into 73 groups ; all are going to be in hell except one : those who will follow my path and the one of my companions.”
The succeeding mentioned that is existed 70 religions before the coming of Musa, his own being the 71st. These groups are going to be in hell, except those who followed this path who was his, and the one of his companions. The whole 71 groups can be called his “community” because he was the messenger of God for this time, and his predication was addressed to them.
After the coming of Jesus, who complete the number of 72, all groups except those who followed his path and the one of his pupils are going to fire. Muhammad (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace), was after that sent with the Ahmadian religion
who corresponds to the 73rd of the mentioned groups ; all are going to hell except one : it is the group of those who follow his path and the one of his companions.
Here again, the word “community” names the whole people who are designated by his addressed predication ; truly, he said : “I am the Messenger of God, for all man living in my time or born after me.” After him, the Ahmadian religion had divided, according to the second Hadith, in seventy and something groups ; they represent the different schools and differing approaches, among all the concerned people, will all go to paradise, excluding the heretics.
Here is what is claimed by the Divine Mercy and the Ahmadian kindness ! If it wasn’t that, it will be nearly the whole community who will be lost, as just one part on seventy something would be saved ; Moreover, in this case, there is nothing to clearly identify that part, and what is proving it, is that every group pretends being the happy elected.
Concerning me, i attest that Allah the Exalted, is conform to the [correct] opinion that people who believe in Him have about Him, and in His Prophet and the last day, when they do their bests to approach Him. If they are correct, they will have two rewards
, in the hypothetic contrary, they will obtain as least one.
They are rewarded anyway, if you want it or not, because the creatures are not obliged to be infallible ; they are only willing to try to be in the right, and it is explained by the “largeness” of the Ahmadian way, who makes allusion this Verse : “It has not imposed any gene in religion.” (QUR’AN 22-78). This marfu`
Hadith, reported by at-Tabarani, is also testifying this, according to the Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace) saying : “300 different ways (turuq) goes into my law (shari`a). It is sufficient to follow one of them to be saved.” But what is more confirming this idea, is the Hadith reported by as-Suyuti in his Jami` as-Saghir, according to the saying of the Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace) : “In every community, one part of the people goes to paradise when one other goes in the fire, except in the case of my community who, entirely, will go in paradise.”, and if it pleases to Allah, then it will be !
Allusion to the Hadith : “I’ve been sent with the hanifiyya samha” (the hanifiyya designates the pure ibrahimic monotheism), according to that Islam is a easy religion (samha), it means simple, also according to this Verse : “It has not imposed any gene in religion ; the religion of your father Ibrahim.” (QUR’AN 22-78) Ahmad is the celestial name of the Prophet (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace).
Reference to this following Hadith reported by ash-Shaykh’ayn (the two shaykhs : al-Bukhari and Muslim). The Prophet said : “Allah the Exalted said : “I am conform to the opinion My Apostle has about Me.”.” In others variations of this Hadith, the Divine saying continues as : “Than he can thinks about Me what he wants”, or again : “Than he would have a good opinion about Me.”
It means, one for the sincerity of the intention, and the other for the good result : these are the terms of one Hadith reported by Muslim (no.4261) concerning the function of judge (scholar).
A marfu` Hadith is a Hadith who goes back to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah prays on him and gives him peace).
Please consider the following text in its original language :
Barakallahu fikum.
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