Why should the person with the following aqeedah should go to jannath. There are 2000 narrations in shia books which claim that Quran is changed. Are these narrations are sound, can't be rejected (usool-e-kaafi) The original quran brought by Jibrael AS to Rasulullah sas had 13,000 ayah (usool kaafi) The love towards the original Quran is aborrogated. (Saafee shrah usool kaafi) There are words which were not from Allah SWT (ehtejaj tabree) The present quran is compiled by enemies of Auliyah.(ehtejaj tabree) The sequence in this quran is against Allah SWT. (fasl alkhattab) Ali's RA name is removed from many places in Quran. (tafseer saafee)