I did not say that. If someone hates someone because of his proclamations, that is understandable. I hate Yasser al-Habeeb (al-Khabees) for his words against the khulafa ar-raashidoon and 'Aisha . I don't hate him because he is "Yasser al-Habeeb". If he repents from his kufr and hatred, he is my brother. If he doesn't, may Allah destroy him and give him what he deserves. And what do you mean by showing "hate towards a people for the sake of hatred alone"? This is, as I mentioned earlier, impossible without having a mental ailment. Rabid and baseless hate is something that isn't inherent in humans, let alone Muslims. We hate because of what someone says or does. I'd even say that baseless hate can be considered a sin, because it takes the form of many anti-Islamic -isms, such as racism or sexism.