As the question of hudûd has been bring up, two of his shortest works which must be read for understanding his view are :,264.html and this answer to Al-Azhar which has ask him to clarify his view on the hudûd :,309.html Unfortunately I have not found his answer translated in English or Arabic, so just briefly he says in it : 1) He doesn't deny that there is authentic text on hudûd nor did he says that there are not from the fundamentals of the dîn. 2) He doesn't say that to apply hudûd are damaging to islam but for him the conditions to apply them are not actually present. 3) He further discuss about when Omar ibn al-Khattâb (ra) chose to suspend the applications of hudûd for the thief for a period and then ask to the comission of Al-Azhar some questions about the actual applications of the hudûd in actual muslim country.