Dawud, Shirk is clear. http://www.deoband.org/2010/09/aqida...and-its-types/ I think there is a clear disagreement between the Shaikh Abdul Wahabs view and the other scholar view. It seems you hold Shaikh Abdul Wahabs view to be 100% correct. Both sets of scholar scholasitc reasononing for their view and as such this should be expected. If you prefer the former view it is fine but to label others of commiting shirk when you are not even a scholar is insulting and one can feel sense takiri tendency. I am not the type to lable people and is not bold enough to accuse other of being guilty. Hence although I agree with many of shaikh's view but am not fully supportive of it. What I find amazing many of such books were written as a reaction to something. This seems to escape the mind of modern readers. If I see madhabist tendency that is verging on secterianism, scholar though follow a madhab will take opposition to this secterian view and will write article. Now someone reading this book after many years later will assume these scholar are anti madhab. This has happend in the past Allahualam