This was written by Shah Wali Allah (RAH). Do you know the time frame. This is getting bit ridiculous. You seem to fixed in your appraoch. Have I ever said go to the grave and ask for assistance is permissible. The scholar differ in matters of dua. None is doing dua to the person of the grave! What is this about fortunteller. Are you trying to conjure up something that i said it is ok! I don't think there is any serious schoalr from east to west say this ok. As for explainging away. I never did anything of such. As a jahil I am not going to do commentry but simply try to elude that it can be read differently. Where as your stance is this way or no way! So From your stance one would assume you have read all the commentry of muhadith. No offense you seem to think there was no other scholar but Shaikh Abdul Wahab! I try to stay away from such unyilding stance.