SubhanAllah a message we received! All Praise only belongs to Allah! MUSTREAD!!
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04-13-2012, 11:03 PM
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SubhanAllah a message we received! All Praise only belongs to Allah! MUSTREAD!!
Verily All Praise only belongs to Allah. **We received this message today and subhanAllah we pray it is something that can be spread everywhere**
PLEASE take out just a few minutes of your day to read this. Just as Allah enables you to breathe and your heart to beat without you even thinking, can we not take out just a few minutes to read something that will insha Allah bring us closer to our Lord?
-Gaining Proximity to the Almighty Allah-
Abu Musa RadiAllahu anhu reported, "The likeness of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not remember Him is like that of a living to a dead person." (Bukhari)
Our life is a journey.
A journey and transition from the dunya to the Akhira. A journey from a transient world to an infinite abode. We are travellers upon this journey with an aim ahead of us and a purpose in all that we do and achieve.
It is a journey of reflection and a journey in acquisition of the realisation of our purpose. And through its acquisition can one embark upon that journey that will take us from a dunya of trials and tribulations to an everlasting life of serenity and bliss.
How many breaths does every being in this dunya take within one second? How many hearts beat throughout every minute? How many of us see day upon day with provisions beyond our expectations and sustenance beyond that which we deserve? Day in and day out, how many of us have shelters to return to and safe havens to retire to bed within? It is time for us to reflect over The One, Almighty Be He Who Has Provided for us, Sustained us and Taken care of our needs. For it is Almighty Allah that enables us to breathe and our hearts to beat throughout every second, it is Allah Almighty who has given us the shelters, provisions and all that we possess. It is time for us to turn back to Allah.
If we look at the eyes we have been given, the sight we have been blessed with, the dunya that we can seebefore us, if we ponder over these things, it all points to nothing but the Greatness of Allah, the Magnificence of Allah, the Sustainer, the Provider and The Creator and Lord of All the Worlds and all that it contains.
Just ponder over the creation of The Almighty. A leaf does not move except with the knowledge and Will of The Almighty. A grain of sand does not blow with the wind except that Allah Knows it. A limb does not move except with the permission of Allah. We will realise that The Might and Magnificence is only for The Almighty Allah.
Ponder over the spiders and how Allah enables them to make their web. The honey produced by the bees and the provision it provides to the health of Insaan. Ponder over the whiteness of milk that comes from the udders of a cow, that it is does not have one drop of discolorment within it.
Ponder over the night and the day. Ponder over the sun and the moon. Imagine the sun were not to rise when you awake in the morning.
Ponder over the fish in the sea. Ponder over every creature that swims through the oceans. Ponder over every bird that flies through the skies. Ponder over the sky that shelters every being that steps upon this dunya and yet it is pillar less. Ponder over the One Who holds up the heavens and Sustains ever being and every creature from an ant to a giant that walks through this dunya.
If we were to ponder, we will realise that Greatness belongs only to Allah. Every Attribute of Perfection only belongs to Allah. It is Allah Who is The Creator, it is Allah Who Created our eyes to see the Dunya. It is Allah who Gave us the ability to reflect over our lives and the world that we were born into.
The similitude of the one who remembers his Lord and the one who does not is like that of the living and the dead. If we do not immerse our lives in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah, how can we be living? How can a day, an hour, a minute or even a second go that we don’t realise that Allah Provides for every creature on the land and every creature within the seas.
If we are reading this, it means we still have time to turn back. We still have time to turn back to Allah, Almighty Be He. We still have time to embark upon that journey that will transmit us from this dunya to an everlasting abode of tranquillity and peace.
When we realise that our purpose is to act only in the Pleasure of the One Who Created us, can we act in accordance to His Almighty’s Will. How can we pass through our lives without the remembrance of Allah, the First, The Last, The All-Living!
It is time for us to turn back to The Almighty.
May Allah Grant us the ability to lead a life only in accordance to that which He Wills and enable us to fulfil our greatest purpose in this dunya…
Earning His Subhanahu wa Ta’ala’s Infinite Pleasure. Ameen.
I named this article, ''Gaining Proximity to The Almighty' as I came across this online event that has been organised and is due to take place tomorrow insha'Allah.
It is online and therefore anyone, anywhere can access it. Whether you live across the Pacific, the Atlantic, in Asia, Africa, Europe or anywhere, you can listen and benefit. Ultimately, it is for our own benefit, Allah Willing it is for our salvation. It is to help us live a righteous life - that insha'Allaah through Allah's Mercy, He Will admit us into His everlasting Jannah.
It is to our benefit that we listen in, that we gain Knowledge that we can act upon insha'Allah and that we encourage others to take part as well. There is no reason why thousands do not take part tomorrow as it is an event people can tune into from their OWN homes.
Just think tomorrow what will YOU otherwise be doing within those two odd hours. If it is something futile, something that can be delayed, then by all means, register your place, email the organisers to gain the access link and insha'Allah it will be a benefit for us all. Ameen.
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