Are Pakistanis from "The West" treated differently in Pakistan? Can we prove it?
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04-08-2012, 12:59 PM
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Oct 2005
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Are Pakistanis from "The West" treated differently in Pakistan? Can we prove it?
A friend is doing a research paper for school, and he is trying to find facts in regards to Pakistani-Americans (or Pakistanis from
in Western world, not just the USA) being treated "differently" in Pakistan if they visit or move to live there permanently.
He is looking for small things like just getting the "you're from America what you doing here" looks, to shop-owners trying to over-charge you because they somehow automatically know you're from "overseas" based on your appearance and hence you must be loaded with $$; to
like actually being verbally/physically harassed because someone was from the West (even though they were Pakistani originally and just lived in the west), beaten, robbed, given a hard time to live there, or worse. May Allah
protect us all. Ameen.
He's looking for anything at all which he can use in his research... from people's personal blog posts/forum posts to newspaper articles etc to build his research paper one way or another. Newspaper articles and other "reliable" sources will be given more weight to build the facts while things like personal blog posts and forum posts etc will be given less weight, as they have more of a chance of being not 100% true (as if the media is 100% true!). The idea is to show that it's not only non-Pakistani Westerners who may be treated differently in Pakistan, but rather
from the West may be considered to be in the same 'bucket', even if the westerner happens to be a Pakistani who lives overseas.
It's kind of a tough thing to research online just by googling so I figured maybe you brothers and sisters could help out if you know of anything personally or come across anything online.
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