Mujaddid Alf-i-Thani's view on Bidah Hasanah
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06-10-2008, 05:36 PM
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Nov 2005
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for the excellent read. Just one point. Can someone clarify in clear terms, in terms of theology, the meaning of Bid'a.
I was always under the understanding that bid'a means that to introduce something new into Islam and then take that as an essential part of Islam, and to think without that new action, Islam would be incomplete.
So,if someone were to participate in mawlid for the blessings etc then it would be fine but to take Mawlid as an essential part of Islam, and to think of someone who does not take part in Mawlid as not being on complete Islam, then that would be classed as Bid'a.
But let me get this straight. If somethign was not done in the time of the Prophet(s.a.w) but was done in the time of any of the 4 Khulafa e rashideen, then this is not a bid'a,as they were rightly guided, and it seems hadhrat has the same view,no?
But reading the quotes, it seems that Hadhrat thought
new was a bid'a regardless.
Im here to learn and will appreciate the input of the knowledgable people here.
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