I don't see how else it could be interpreted. By the way, I didn't copy and paste from google, I copied from the books of the great Imam al Bukhari, as Subki and Ali al Qari (radhiyallahu 'anhum). Also, I am not in the Indo-Pak subcontinent, nor do I represent the views of the Muslims in the subcontinent. I live in Britain and I was portraying the views of Imams from all over the world from all ages, including Arabs. We practice Islam to please Allah and his Beloved and not the followers of Muhammad ibn Adbil Wahhab or ibn Taymiyyah. From the works of great Ulama, we see that no one objected to the correct use of Istighathah (with the intention that Allah alone is the one who bestows all bounties and removes all calamities) from the Sahabah, the Salaf and the later scholars except ibn Taymiyyah. Aameen to your Du'a.