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Old 07-05-2010, 02:20 AM   #14

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There are very few mashaikh who I would describe who are fana fil rasul. With regards to shaykh Nuh and Shaykh Yaqoubi could you elaborate. Also could you tell me which naqshbandis and qadris talk about esoteric concepts? What do you mean esoteric? Could you give some examples? I came across some people who were giving out titles like fana fir rasul like candy. Their shaykh said infront of me that maulana yusuf khandalwi was fana fir rasul about which I had zerp% doubt. But then when some of his followers were claiming the maqam I was imagining their life with the life of maulana yusuf rh. There was no comparison. The true objective is shariat and sunnah. Nothing can compare to that.
There are many people who will through the title around, and to some people this may cheapen the concept of fana. Some people may become disillusioned because of all the false claims of fana. But one must realize that this is a incredibly high station to attain. The awliya who have fana fi Allah fana fi rasool are not seen in the markets and the gatherings of created, they do not wear signs or have their names plastered on bilboards, and if you happen to find one who has obtained fana, he will not tell you he has obtained fana, he will be humble and free of any pride.

The people who have obtained fana fi Allah fana fi Rasool are hard to find because they do not wish to be found, they do not put their maqaam on display for the world to view. There are a select few who have been commanded by their Rub to come out from seclusion, and have been given a particular mission, these are the Mursheed kameels, who the seeker should search for and give bayat to.

Fana Fi Sheikh can be seen in the story of Musa alayhi salaam and Kidhr alayhi salaam. Musa (AS) was not commanded by Allah to seek out Kidhr(AS), he asked Allah to show him a person more knowledgable than him on earth, so Allah guided him to Kidhr. Once he found kidhr he kidhr he basicly gave bayat to him, he pledged to follow his directives, no matter what. Musa(AS) brought pre-conceived notions, correct notions, when Musa(AS) argued with his Sheikh, he based his arguments on knowledge of the law that he had, knowledge that was correct, but Sheikh Kidhr had more knowledge, and was fulfilling the mission in which Allah had sent him on. If Musa(AS) would have said "labaik", and accepted that his knowledge was inferiour to that of Sheikh Kidhrs, he would have obtained fana fi sheikh.

Most of us are people of little knowledge, and most of us accept that the various Mursheeds on earth have far more kowledge than us. So if Allah guides you to a Mursheed kamil, your first obligation is to attain for fana fi Sheikh with that mursheed, if you bring with you pre-convceived notions, even if those notions are 100% correct. And those notions prevent you from obeying your Mursheed, you will end up like Musa(AS) in the end, the mursheed will simply tell you to move on, because you do not have enough patience to walk with him.

The mursheed is a tool for us to obtain fana fi Allah, without his guidance we can not obtain this goal. There are individuals who do not need a mursheed or a tarriqa to obtain ma'rifatullah.

In Mawlana Zakiriyyas book Shariat and Tariqat he mentions this. He mentions that if a person has obtained this high rank and continues to use the awrad and follow a mursheed he is in sin, because it is all a waste of time. Tassawuf is tool for us to attain a goal of fana fi Allah, once we have attained this goal, we no longer need tassawuf or mursheeds.
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