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Old 07-05-2010, 11:32 AM   #16

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In Mawlana Zakiriyyas book Shariat and Tariqat he mentions this. He mentions that if a person has obtained this high rank and continues to use the awrad and follow a mursheed he is in sin, because it is all a waste of time. Tassawuf is tool for us to attain a goal of fana fi Allah, once we have attained this goal, we no longer need tassawuf or mursheeds.

Shaykh Hajeeji (db) was in my house a few days ago for a majlis and he said that the Goal was to become attentive towards Allah Ta'ala at all times. Some call this the final stage of Muraqaba, this is ihsan. He said that the Mashaikh will stop your Zikr when this happens. Zikr/ Tasawwur to attain fana, etc are all methods to achieve the Goal.

When the Goal of turning the heart towards Allah is achieved, Zikr will be removed. He used an example: when your making a house, you use planks, supports, scaffolding. Without those, the foundation cannot be built upon and will not become strong. Once the concrete has become hard with the support of the planks, scaffolding, they are removed. Likewise Zikr/ Shugl are like the scaffolding

Goal is that the heart is ever attentive to Allah Ta'ala

May Allah Ta'ala grant this to all
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