fana fil shaykh?? how's that valid?
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07-13-2010, 12:48 AM
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Oct 2005
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Murid's adab of a Shaikh should be based on Ayah no 70 of Surah-i-Kahaf--but only if had known this 17 years ago I wouldn't have lost the most precious thing in this universe--the current full of lutf-o-karam that I used to experience in my heart on eye-contact with Shaikh Amin Sahib--which I lost due to an act of disrepect on my part--but I did not know then what that current was-- it was what we read in books as a subject given to me as an object-- a direct experience of the spirituality of Syedna Muhammad (Sal-Allahu alaihay wasalam)--also experienced in heart to heart contact with Shaikh Sahib as a feeling somewhat akin to a feeling of cold filling the chest --so real that it would be felt on back as a kind of numbness on the back if one would sit reclined to a wall for some time--and it was no inert feeling--it formed the basis of istikhara in everyday life and would guide one exactly in accordance with shariah--but that current was perhaps a concentrated sharpened form of that feeling and wouldn't have left anything disliked by the Prophet in the heart-only if I hadn't lost it, I would have found wilayat in days or weeks, but it was not to be --I lost that current-on-eye-contact when I mentioned my love for a girl in front of the Shaikh (in the hope of his praying for our marriage) and I am still grappling with the problems of Nafs 17 years later
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