fana fil shaykh?? how's that valid?
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07-13-2010, 06:28 PM
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Oct 2005
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The Christians believe in the opposite of the second part of my statement which you have not quoted--they think that Jesus is like God (Subhan-Allah-i-ama yasifun)--which is not the same as saying that God can be like anything (in a theophany -- a subjective perception of the Objective Reality)--internally/unitively/in a state of supra-relative Oneness in the heart; the errors occur when people try to externalise/objectify something that is essentially unitive (and valid only for a certain supra-relative state transcendent of 'you'/'me', here/there, now/then, etc.) in a dualistic/relativistic world as a universal fact even for people who are not in that supra-relative unitive state of Ultimate Oneness; the universal objective reality for the world of relativity and the relativity-bound mind is the second part of my statement, i.e. nothing can ever be like God;
one is the matter of heart, other the matter of mind
Anyway, I seek God's forgiveness for anything wrong in my speculations at the mental level, AstaghfirUllah, W-Allahu Alam bi-sawab.
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