Virtue of La howla wala quwatta illa billa - Shaykh Babikir
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03-30-2012, 10:21 PM
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Oct 2005
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I would like to point out that I personally believe that it is superior to let the beard grow, and to only take from it at Hajj and Umrah. But like with other things, there are those that differ, and they are much more knowledgable than me. I have sat at the feet of many scholars who have trimmed beards (or even those who are clean shaven) and I can assure you that many of them are very pious people in general, just that they happen to differ/lack on this particular issue. If their general approach towards Sunnah is sound, I don't think it is fair to judge them and consider them to be less. We all have shortcomings, whether sufi-shuyukh or not. As much as I do not like to mention it, but even some of the greatest Awliya (the Sahaba) had their differences and at times even shortcomings in applying some sunan/abstaining from some makruhat (and even haram). We still consider them upright and sources for guidance. We are not Twelvers that we believe that there has to be Žisma (infallability). Especially if the shuyukh in question have adopted their opinion out of sincerity, and are known not to take easy and shadh opinions in general. I do not think that there is any doubt about the beard being a Sunnah, even with Shaykh Babikir (ha) and others. The question is what constitutes fulfillment of the Sunnah. Again, while I may not believe that a half-an-inch goatee fulfills the Sunnah, I will not discredit a Shaykh solely based on that, if he is known to be pious otherwise. While it is held to be makruh by some (as in the case of the muŽtamad of our school), there are others who commit what I believe is haram, yet they don't, so I do not judge them based on that; especially not if it's a "one off".
If a scholar is clean shaven, eat with his left, miss ŽId and Witr prayers on a regular basis (due to laxness) etc, then I may not recommend someone to take guidance from him in this matter; but that is because he is insisting upon leaving numerous sunan habitually. So while he may not be sinful, he is known to generally be lax in the Sunnah.
I do not doubt anyone's sincerity, but that also goes for the shuyukh, not only forum-posters.
wa'Allahu aŽlam.
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