Virtue of La howla wala quwatta illa billa - Shaykh Babikir
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04-03-2012, 11:53 PM
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Oct 2005
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I do not think that there is any doubt in the harms of neglecting the Sunnah. The issue is that Žulama have differed on what Sunnah entails here. I also do not believe that the Sunnah of the beard "far exceeds" that of the miswak and salams, more likely the opposite. Anyways, people are given the leaders that they deserve, and this includes their shuyukh. So Muslims need to blame themselves, for if they better themselves, Allah TaŽala would change their state for the better. And even if we do believe that a short beard is a shortcoming in following the Sunnah, the scholar with the short beard isn't necessarily less of a master than the bearded one, for surely the latter may have other faults, often hidden so that we do not see them. How often do we not see that?
May Allah bless you sidi.
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