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Old 04-04-2012, 08:21 PM   #40

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Brother the danger appears when people start dropping the importance of sunnah. Just recently, a sister on this forum who said she was Hanafi became upset and angry when people brought up the fact that the shaykh she was following didn't just trim his beard, but completely shaved it, saying that having a beard was "just a sunnah". This is the mentality of many Muslims nowadays. We all know the excellence of the character of Rasoolullah and thus even the least knowledgeable of Muslims can see who is or isn't a good representative of the akhlaaq of Rasoolullah - but the apparent sunnahs, when not adhered to, can be given less and less significance. And I'll reiterate: the full beard is the sunnah of Rasoolullah , less than a fist length is not the beard of Rasoolullah .

You are right in this, and at the same time you are wrong in this. There are people today who would call themselves muslims who are so far away that they know nothing about Rasulullah salallahu alaihi wa salim. You should spend sometime in tabligh jamaat to see this and the state of the ummah.

As for that sister, I don't know who she is or who she was following, and I don't need to, but all I can ask is, why were people, who I assume don't know her, don't know how close she is to deen, don't know her struggle, don't know her level, trying to break perhaps her only connection to the deen? There are people, Muslim people, brother and sisters, in horrible situations, who make a huge jihaad just by doing things that some of use would feel are so simple and so easy. Why upset the sister? How is that going to help her? All that happens is that she might say somethings she should not because she doesn't know. You know there was an anecdote mentioned about the father of Mufti Taqi sahib's father, that he went I think with some darul uloom graduates to a restaurant and they had tables there, so there was some discussion about whether or not to ask to have a sufra placed and to eat in accordance to the sunnah. Mufti Shafi'i Uthmani, may Allah bless him and all the ulama from among the hukama, said no, rather they should eat at the table, since the people there (even though I think they were muslim) may make fun of it, and this was more dangerous than leaving that particular sunnah. That story is in Islahi Khutbaat of Mufti Taqi sahib.

This is no joke, people have to think about what they are doing, muslims need to know we will chase other muslims away in the name of upholding the sunnah, it is extremely dangerous, and you have to take this into serious consideration. Like that sister, if she got angry and people just were flippant about her shaikh, do they think she is going to listen to them? What was their aim, to bring her closer to haqq or to drive her further away? And what was the result, EVEN IF the ones that pointed out the person's faults were correct? What was the gain, how did haqq spread and batil decrease? These are questions we should ask, these are not simple things, and we do not deal with simple people, everyone has their own difficulties and hardships that they face, so don't make it harder for them.
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