Revolting Against Rulers
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04-05-2012, 10:24 PM
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Oct 2005
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So will the label of kufr/apostasy extend to the entire armed and security forces of Pakistan, including every soldier/policeman?
Will that make the TTP's jihad against GOP/PA legitimate, keeping in mind the following text?
Shaykh Bin Baz “…it is not permissible for individuals and masses who do mischief in the land but not reformation to rebel against the ruler (even if he is a kafir) as this harms people and does not avail them.” Ibn Baz Fatwas vol. 28 pg. 271
Shaykh Uthaymeen said, “Even if we were to assume the extreme – that a leader is a disbeliever – does this then mean we can incite the people to oppose him, even if it causes revolt, chaos, and killing? This is definitely wrong. The kind of rectification and improvement desired will never come by this approach. Rather, the only thing it will bring is great corruption”
The Shaykh Uthaymeen also clarified the conditions for revolt against the disbelieving ruler who is in charge of a Muslim country. He said “1)It is a condition to have seen it (i.e. to see the ruler do his major kufr which made him a kafir. Seeing his kufr means a Muslim does not have to follow a persons lies and rumors about the rulers kufr). 2)The disbelief (kufr) is a condition (so it the ruler must have done kufr not just major sin, thus you can not revolt). 3)That it is clear and explicit is a condition (so the rulers kufr can not be misunderstood or misinterpreted to be major sin). 4)That we have proof of if from Allah (thus we can back our reason for calling the ruler a kafir with proof from the Quran and sunnah). 5)They (the revolters) must have the ability to overthrow the ruler.” Summarised from, Liqa al Bab al-Maftuh
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