If all this is about opinion and finding one's guilty of association, then la-madhabist are guilty of being khawarij as they exhibit same tendency as that of a religious anarchist. I couldn't care less of Dr. Ati and his so called criticism! I have just returned from KSA and can see why a strange form of la-madhabism survives in this backward land. It is their dislike of following any process be worldly and in religious matters. One would think this society would have progressed but it hasn't with all its puritanical stance. Hence they will regress further into secularism!! My general feeling is it is the lack of understanding of tassawuf that pushed people towards secularism! So let those modern day religious pseudo intellectual carry on with their folly! The likes of Usama Hasan also made similar remarks of tassawuf!! This age old orientalist arguments formulated by citing some criticism made by past scholars, being used over and over again in attempt to dismantle religious sciences!! The war is being waged at all front and strangely our hyper religious brothers simply playing into their hands. There is no tassawuf and there is no sole of religion but some prescriptive dos and don't befitting the least sophisticated people in the complex dis-topic world. Allahualam