16 year old Muslim girl targeted by FBI for being too Muslim
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04-06-2012, 01:46 AM
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Oct 2005
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Just today, I was informed of a Muslim family whose fence was vandalized - a swastika was painted on it along with a racial comment.
A non-Muslim neighbour (the same person who let us all know about it) saw the sign and called the police immediately. Now, the same neighbour is busy preparing flyers about the incident and about racism, and she is also busy gathering other neighbours to help clean and paint the fence. They plan on taking gifts of baked goods and cards to the neighbour to let them know that, despite this incident, they are welcome and appreciated as neighbours in their neighbourhood.
I think it is just as important to remember that not everybody thinks in terms of 'fear' and, by the Grace of Allah (SWT), there are many non-Muslims who also 'love' us.
This is especially important to keep in mind not just because we live so close to one-another (neighbours), but also for inter-faith and dawah puposes... focus on the good, work on distancing ourselves from this false 'fear' and see Allah's Grace in the kindness we are shown and show kindness always (not just reciprocally).
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