Is it true that the Hanafis and Shafi'is of Khurasan fought each other ?
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04-05-2012, 04:36 AM
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Oct 2005
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this reminds me of an article that I have read on Hizmet Books website
it begins thus...
6 - "Open the history books and read about the fights that took place between Ahl as-Sunnat and the Shia [Shiites] and Kharijis, and even among those who were in the Ahl as-Sunnat madhhabs! Enmity between the Shafi'is and the Hanafis caused the Mongols to assault the Muslims."
The la-madhhabi people like Rashid Rida, in order to attack the four madhhabs of Ahl as-Sunnat, choose a tricky way. For doing this, first they write about the assaults of the seventy-two groups [for whom the Hadith says will go to Hell] against Ahl as-Sunnat, and about the bloody events which they caused, and then they basely lie by adding that the four madhhabs of Ahl as-Sunnat fought one another. Whereas, not a single fight has ever taken place between the Shafi'is and the Hanafis at any place at any time. How could they ever fight despite the fact that both belong to Ahl as-Sunnat! They hold the same belief. They have always loved one another and lived brotherly. Let us see if the la-madhhabi people, who say that they fought, can give us an example after all! They cannot. They write, as examples, the jihads which the four madhhabs of Ahl as-Sunnat co-operatively made against the la-madhhabi. They try to deceive Muslims with such lies.
Because the name "Shafi'i" of Ahl as-Sunnat and the word "Shia" sound alike, they narrate the combats between the Hanafis
and the la-madhhabi as if they took place between the Hanafis and the Shafi'is.
In order to blemish the Muslims who follow the madhhabs, those who reject the four madhhabs slander them by misinterpreting some special terms. For example, referring to the dictionary Al-munjid written by Christian priests, they define the word 'ta'assub' to mean 'holding a view under the influence of non-scientific, non-religious and irrational reasons' and regard explaining and proving the teachings of madhhabs as ta'assub and say that ta'assub has caused conflicts between madhhabs. Whereas, according to the scholars of Islam, 'ta'assub' means 'enmity that cannot be justified.' Then, attaching oneself to a madhhab or defending that this madhhab is based on the Sunnat and on the sunnas of al-Khulafa' ar-rashidin (radi-Allahu 'anhum) is never ta'assub. Speaking ill of another madhhab is ta'assub, and the followers of the four madhhabs have never done such ta'assub. There has been no ta'assub amongst the madhhabs throughout Islamic history.
and ends like so...
"There has been no dispute between the Hanafis and the Shafi'is; Muslims belonging to the four madhhabs have loved one another as brothers. This base slander, which was made against Ahl as-Sunnat by Rashid Rida, was repeated by the reformer named Sayyid Qutb, too, yet he is given the necessary answer well documentedly in the book The Religion Reformers in Islam."
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