The difference between the Shia Imams and the Prophets?
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06-12-2011, 03:06 AM
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Oct 2005
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The difference between the Shia Imams and the Prophets?
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
الحمد لله حمدا طيبا كثيرا مباركا
Recently I've had this though and I want to know what some of you think especially those who spent some times researching the Twelver Shia sect.
We all know that Ahmadis are labelled Kouffar because they believe in other prophets after Muhammad SAWS such as Mirza Ghulam But what is the difference between the 12 imams of the Twelver Shia and the Prophets?
Here are ten main points that I used to compare the two:
1- Prophets are infallible and the Shia Imams are infallible since birth.
2- Allah sent the Prophets on a holy mission to give mankind divine guidance and according to the Shia Allah sent the Imams on a holy mission to give mankind divine guidance.
3- The Prophet is the leader of the Ummah and his obedience is obligatory, the Imam is also the leader of the Ummah and his obedience is obligatory.
4- Prophets communicate with angels and so do the Shia Imams.
5- Prophets know some things which will take place in the future and they know the unseen, the Shia Imams know the future and the unseen.
6- Some Prophets can communicate with Jinn or animals, the Shia Imams communicate with Jinn and animals.
7- Prophets do miracles by permission of God and the Shia Imams do miracles by the permission of God.
8- Prophets hold a high and virtuous rank above that of an average human being, according to the Shia the Imams are better than the Prophets.
9- Prophets are sent to affirm previous laws and Imams are sent to affirm previous laws.
10- Disbelief in a prophet will lead to Hell, disbelief in a Shia Imam will lead to Hell.
I still haven't reached a final conclusion but until this moment I see no difference between the two, what do the more knowledgeable members think? especially the mods or scholars.
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