I had my suspicions for sometime that my wife's parents were lax in purchasing meat from a butcher certified by HMC (Halaal Monitoring Committee). The suspicions arose based on takeaways that have been purchased on the odd occasion, which has not been HMC certified. Today, by questioning in a roundabout way, I ascertained that meat was purchased from a butcher, whose certification had been removed. That is not to say that the butcher used is haraam. Now, if I say to my wife that I will not be eating meat at her parents, based on the fact that this is the 2nd instance that uncertified meat has been purchased, this will result in an emotional outburst comprising 2 points: 1. I am having a go at her parents again (NB: I permit her to point out the wrongs of my parents, so that she can offload, and so when criticism is justified, I will accept. Unfortunately the reverse is not always true). 2. This is why you have waswasa issue, because you delve, and hence I am not accepting your judgement on the matter. There is the added issue of my in-laws, who are very hospitable, thinking, how dare this 'kid' have the audacity to imply that we are consuming doubtful meat. Relations will be strained, and because I am weak myself, the result will be scrutiny and criticism of my actions, e.g. "look at him, he didn't pray his Salah with jamat, but he is having a go at us about meat." (Your typical 5-year-old retort). What is the best way to address the issue?