what do when peoole are critical of you fot no reason?
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04-02-2012, 04:06 PM
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Oct 2005
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br hugga12, i was head of sulihull college years ago and we had a group branch off and call themselves the quraan and sunnah society. hadhrat Umar RA said to judge by the apparent. if they are going around doing stupid things and you stick to your guns of unity then people will eventually leave them and return to you. dont worry this happens every year in colleges and universitys. in my first year at solihull 6th form same happened aswell. some of the girls wanted a mixed eid party and the guys refused, creating friction which eventually lead to them making there own little group. they all returned with there heads down in shame in the end.
be patient and make dua, DONT be confrontatianal.
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