We are an Islamic book publishing company always looking for freelancers on a project by project basis to do editing etc. Since our books are islamic and often contain arabic verses of the Quraan etc, we prefer that the work is done by Muslim freelancers. The type of freelancers we often need are: 1) Those who can edit english language kitaabs proficiently using openoffice 2) Those who can research and write on given topics 3) Those who can translate from arabic/urdu into english, french, dutch and spanish. Preferably this should be your first language and arabic/urdu should be a learned language 4) App developers who know how to develop apps for the ios, android etc 5) SEO experts If anyone is qualified to do the above, kindly contact us via pm with your background etc so that we may put you on our list of freelancers to contact when there are new projects available.