I absolutely love love and love Naqsh-e-Hayat. Subhanallah, I read it in around 1998. Subhanallah, an absolute must. You've got read it to believe it. I've always felt encouraged to translate it. I wish someone will. Will have to get hold of Mereh Walid Mereh Shaykh insha Allah. Autobiographies by the Akabir themselves are beautiful to read. They're very spontaneous. Naqsh-e-Hayat, Aap Beeti by Hadhrat Shaykh Zakariyyah and Aap Beeti by Mawlana Abdul Majid Daryabadi are three autobiographies I know of. Anyone know anymore let me know. Also a nice book is Hadhrat Ali Miyah's biography of Mawlana Abdul Qadir Raipuri (Allah's mercy on them all).