SubhanAllah, its an excellent opportunity for you to give Dawah where its most needed and from where you will extract the maximum rewards from Allah (swt). I am not sure where you are based in India, but from the place (North India) I belong though not everyone has Sunnah beard but Tabligh work is not frowned upon. But I can understand your situation, you must not get upset and try and use hikmah and patience while dealing with them, surely with time they will see a change in you, and their attitude towards you will change as well. However, if you can afford to get married then do not wait. If there is suitable proposal from a pious girl, then go for it, though you must go on 4 months later sometime. Even if you don't find a pious girl in line, you can explain your outlook of life and what you expect from it and how you would like to spend the rest of you life to any cadidate your parents/family have lined up for you. If the girl is too modern she would any way run away from you just by your looks. Finally do istikharah.