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03-20-2012, 05:51 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
May Allah SWT ease your troubles, amen.
with what bro
said. Try to make them understand, or just stay silent, you are here only for some time.
When we made our bro (he is
studying ifta now at deoband) join the Hifz course about a decade ago, almost everyone opposed, some relatives didn't give two hoots, some uncles and aunts said 'what will he do becoming a hafiz', almost everyone even seniors discouraged my parents, some even strongly, we had to go through this even when he got into the aalimiyatt, even neighbours didn't appreciate, except for the local senior tablighi zimmedaar (who is now no more, may Allah SWT fill his grave with immense Noor & grant him Jannat ul Firdaus) who gave us immense emotional support and encouraged my parents and esp. my bro and one Ulema (who is now the khalifa of Ml Zulfiqar Saheb db) who encouraged my bro in his early years of aalimiyatt, if not for them (of-course it was Allah SWT helping us through them), I don't think my bro would be where he is today.
Today, everyone has fallen in line, everyone who opposed have fallen silent (not dead) and realize what it means to have a Scholar in their midst. You see, no one in our family or relatives has ever even been a Hafiz, forget an Aalim, or a Mufti.
Until Tabligh happened.
So, pray for steadfastness.
I also
very strongly
suggest you leave in khurooj for 4 months before getting married, post marriage, it gets a little tough.
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