brother maripat let me give you my own thoughts. Many of these people their brain only works and sees 1 threat. i.e. Islam. A lot of these people will never see any threat. They will allow kuffar to come into their countries en masse but they are scared of allowing muslims from certain countries as they are scared of their chair. They allow kuffar to infiltrate the school system and secularize our children but put all restrictions on any islamists teachers or islamic schools. Kuffar can hold concerts in our lands whilst duroos from the words of ALLAH and his prophet sallahuwaslam are not allowed. Islamic magazines are not allowed to be published or severely censored but they allow mulhids and murtads to publish trash. These guys are smart in every way when it comes to stopping islam but stupid in every other field.
Brother Maripat, I say that in the possibility that we english speaking Muslims should speak up and complain to him in particular regarding the content of Al english. Indeed, he is responsible as an owner. But he may not know what each reporter is writing in english on a daily basis. Many Arabs ignore the english media in Arabia- it is associated with foreign culture still. Kamel founded Iqra channel in 1998 as one of several channels which he wanted to emphasize content with Islamic standards. Someone who founded and supported a channel like Iqra which did not and may still not turn a profit is not going to knowingly, also give voice and fodder to the bigotry of jahil expats, .