urgent quran query- causing severe doubts
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03-29-2012, 06:42 PM
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urgent quran query- causing severe doubts
asalam o alaykum
i have somew queries about the quran which causes severe doubts and confusions
the first is the earth being flat. basically what happened was i came a cross an athiests hompage on youtube who attacks islam and other religions.i was reading his comments and he gave a link to some one of a video where the there were scholars debating with scientists. the scholars were saying that the earth is flat as mentioned in the quran and that the scientist which stated that the earth is round are heretics and going against the quran. i did not watch thew video though. the second thing is i had an argument with an athiest on face book whos whole profile page was devouted to nothing but attacking islam. she also said that the quran says the earth is flat. i saw a comment on youtbe where a person said the quran says the earth is flat like a CARPET.
can someone help me on this.
2nd. i came a cross a anti islamics page on youtube, his homepage skin was like a graph paper and in each square there was a drawing of the sun settting in a black pool. his life seemed to be devoted to this.
i told him he was owned because dr zakir has stated in a debate with dr williams that the quran states that it APPEARED to hazrat zul qarnayn a.s that the sun set in black water and not that it actually did set in black water. i also read the translation of hazrat maulana ashraf ali thanwis r.a quran where he r.a also stated that it APPEARED to set in black water. the guy on youtube told me he was an arab and that dr zakir lied. this has then brought confusion an doubts as to who is telling the truth.
also i saw a comment on youtube where an anti islamic was saying that the quran says that hazrat zul qurnayn a.s had 2 horns.
can some shed some light on this as this are causing sever dounts regarding the truth of islam.
can some show me proofs as well
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