Brother, try to resist from reading those; there is little to no benefit whatsoever in reading them. Doubt is only caused by lack of knowledge on the issue, so how do we solve that? Learn. However, learning takes time, and we may have more pressing matters at hand. Me for example, I'm still a high school student. I either focus studies on high school or learning more about Islam. I don't bother looking to the "opposite" views of Islam because I don't have time, they're most of the time parrots (by which I mean they repeat the same islamophobic questions which already have answers to them; so I find it odd that they take the time to learn islamophobic things but are willfully blind when it comes to using the same medium of gathering knowledge (internet) to see if the islamophobic questions have answers), and lastly, because I'm simply unqualified. You should really try to resist from looking at the islamophobic view of things and focus on more pertinent issues