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Old 03-29-2012, 12:02 PM   #30

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Oct 2005
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Yes brother he is talking about the 5 pillar's only.

He say's only 5 pillar's are fardh.

So how should i answer him?
May Allah reward you brother for having fikr (concern) for your community and for making effort to find the best ways to handle some of these situations. Ameen.

I think that's an easy one Insha'Allah. Ask him what is the first pillar of Islam. He will say "La iLLaha iLLAllah, Muhammadur Rasulullah". Ask him what is the meaning of that. He will say "No one is worthy of worship except Allah swt, Muhammad is His messenger". If, up until this point, he gets anything wrong, correct him politely and with hikmah. Have the attitude of "I don't know anything so how can I even tell you, but this is Insha'Allah the correct way to say it, or the correct meaning", etc. That is the case for majority of us anyway (I know it is with me) so we must always be humble Insha'Allah.

Below is a quote from Fazail-e-Amal:

(1) To memorise and correctly recite the "Kalimah":

"La iLLaha iLLAllah, Muhammadur Rasulullah" [added by me, book has it in Arabic].

And to understand its literal meaning, as well as what it actually implies. That is, to believe, to say, and to act on the faith that Allah Ta'ala is the only Power, the only Authority and the Sole Controller of all things, and it is He alone who is to be worshipped and obeyed, and it is He alone who grants success or failure in life. Success will depend on our truly adopting the way of life preached and taught by Hadhrat Mohammad (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and our accepting him as true and last Prophet of Allah. Having this as ideal, we begin to change our own life on the pattern requirements of the "Kalimah". Islam starts with this Kalimah. What does "worshiping Allah Ta'ala mean? Is it only salat? No. Worshiping Allah swt is 24/7, in each and every aspect of our lives. How we live our life, how we talk to others, how we look, how we dress, how we walk, talk, eat, sleep, etc, etc, etc.

I can make all the salats I want, I can fast all I want, I can give all the charity I want, and I can perform Hajj as many times as I want... but if I don't have firm yaqeen and faith in this Kalima Tayyaba, then the salat is just physical exercise and the fasting is nothing more than starving myself. May Allah swt protect us all. Ameen.

In any case, though it may seem like I drifted off topic, my point is that if anyone claims to believe in the 5 pillars of Islam (which Alhamdulillah all Muslims do believe in, no matter how "bad" we may have become), then we have to show it with our actions and not just say it with our tongue. If I claim to believe in the very first pillar of Islam (without which I cannot be called a "Muslim"), the Kalima "La iLLaha iLLAllah, Muhammadur Rasullah", then it becomes my responsibility to follow each and every (not just the ones I "pick and choose" for my convenience) commandment of Allah swt to the best of my weak abilities, and to dedicate my entire life to learning and implementing the way of The Prophet into my life. Period.

That means doing whatever Allah swt and His Messenger have ordered us to do, and not doing whatever Allah swt and His messenger have forbidden us to do. Sounds simple, but we make it very, very complicated.

Regarding those who say growing the beard is "Sunnah", that is absolutely correct. Everything that the Prophet did is Sunnah. Making salat 5 times a day, fasting during Ramadan, giving zakat, and performing Hajj are all Sunnah. There's no such thing as a "small" Sunnah. To the Sahaba , Sunnah was no joke. There are countless stories which show what a big deal the Sunnah of the Prophet was to the Sahaba (RA).. such as the one when a sahabi (RA) once reached a stairway while walking somewhere with someone and he all of the sudden stopped. The sahabi (RA) who was with him asked why he stopped, and he said something to the effect of "I was once walking this path with the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and I cannot remember if he (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) put his right foot on the stairs first or his left foot first. If I don't do it like he did, that means I am not following his Sunnah".

Or the time when a group of sahaba (RA) were walking through an area with some trees and one of them all of the sudden ducked down while walking, as if to avoid a branch, but there was no branch there to avoid. When asked why he did that, he said that he once walked this path with the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and there used to be a branch hanging there, so the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) ducked down at that very spot to avoid the branch, and now even though the branch has fallen off, he still ducked at the same spot to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam).

Or the time when a sahabi (RA) was riding his camel with someone and upon reaching a certain place, he turned around, made a small circle and then got back on the path they were traveling on. When asked why he did that, he said that he once traveled this path with the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) and for some reason the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) had stopped at that spot and went back for something, then came back. He could not remember for what, but he said he wanted to make sure to follow the sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallam) so he made sure to do the same action at the same exact spot.

That was the value of the Sunnah to the Sahaba (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon them all). These are not fairy tales. These are verified, true stories. Anyone in their right mind can examine the science of hadith and see there's no way it could be "made up". We may say that the Sahaba (RA) were going "overboard" by doing all this, or that they were just "fanatics", but NO. They had it right, we have it wrong. If anyone wants proof, they need not look further than the state of the Muslim ummah at that time, when every single sunnah was meticulously followed, when Muslims ruled the world and yet were loved by non-Muslims and highly respected by their enemies (if they had any that is); compared to the state of the ummah in this day and age.

We, on the other hand, look for loopholes to avoid as many Sunnahs as possible. If someone around us starts practicing a Sunnah, we make sure to interrogate them as if they were a criminal, and we make sure to constantly question and bug them about why they are doing "such and such" or why they are not doing "such and such".

What is the value of the "Sunnah" to us today? It has mainly just become a term which we use so loosely as a synonym to "something we can probably avoid doing". Astaghfirullah.

May Allah swt forgive me and all of us. May Allah swt forgive me for everything which I said wrong. Ameen.

Please remember in your duas.

Allah knows best.


Asalaam-o-alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.


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