Asalamu Aleikum recently my life has become full of problems , problems and only problems there is only tension left in Life - daily family fights occur - there is only hatred among us siblings left - all of the my siblings are in problems -- those who are married , their married life has become hell , no love between husband and wife -- and one of my sibling has suddenly acting kind of very strange ( like psycho ) that sibling was very intelligent very smart , dont know what has happened to the sibling suddenly -- i think ALLAH is angry at us or with me somehow - i have done astaghfaar , done toba lot of times - but i dont know still daily new problem arises --- i think ALLAH is very very angry with me -- i pray namaz but have started only this year before i was not religious -- i used to pray before but not 5 times , what should i do ?? i am afraid that my ALLAH is angry with me