hizb ut tahrir
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09-10-2011, 04:37 PM
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Oct 2005
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HT does NOT disbelieve in the punishment of the grave. That is patently false.
HT does not take the punishment of the grave into aqida. They say that there is no decisive proof for this. They don't believe that Ahadith which are mutawatir in meaning are clear proof. They say these ahadith are doubtful. And so they doubt the punishment of the grave. They say that we cannot be 100% sure of the punishment and thus it is haram to take it into aqida for them. They don't follow ahlu sunnah in this regard.
They say: "We believe in punishment of the grave, but we don't take into aqida." They say this, because they are not sure about it. And being not sure about the punishment of the grave is kufr. They say: MAYBE there is punishment of the grave.
But punishment of the grave is haqq. And doubting the existence is kufr because the ahadith about that are mutawatir in meaning.
They say:
Q. 1: "What is the value of Al-Tawatur Al-Ma'anawi with regard to the Ahadith related to Aqa'id (doctrines)?
A.: Tawatur Ma’nawi does not exist, though what does exist is Tawatur of Hadith; hence, the question has no reality." and
It has become clear from the above that
Al-Tawatur Al-Ma’nawi is a group of doubtful reports
about various events and meanings, which are not unified by any Isnaad (authority), nor by any event, nor by any conditions. In other words, there exists no link between these reports so as to make them a comprehensive collection that removes from it the possibility of lying and imagination. Hence, they remained, as they were, individuals upon each one of whom the possibility of truthfulness and lying are still existent.
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