Acccording to my sister in law who is in Tunisia, circumstances there are becoming chaotic as a result of competing political forces. And because the economy is suffering, prositution is growing among those women who were raised with secular values and taught to discourage Islam. Tunisia has been plagued by decades of kufr libertinism and secular ideology. Tunisia's economy has been partially constructed on tourism which has force the people to be subservient to kufar Europeans. As part of the immoral tourism trade, prostitution and zinah trade has become customary. Both men and women engage in it. This cancerous disease in our Ummah is a result kufr ideology poisonig our societies. Tunisia has not freed itself from this yet as the secularists continue to advocate their poisonous ways, and the kufar West support them. Hijab is not the sign of circumstances in Tunisia. Many people are sick inside and need Tauba and tarbiyah with a strong Islamic society. This cannot be accomplished with secular Western forces pushing for Tunisia to be subservient to kufr.