Women learning Quran in state of Menstruation.
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10-23-2010, 11:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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Idil, these rulings are mentioned in the motherbook's of the madha-hib. Of course you are averse to madhahib and thus, this this relates to your intent on posing such a question.
Sayyid ibn `abidin of ash-sham (described as khatimat al-muhaqqiqin), who authored the radd al-muhtar -- trust me, this book is *extremely* well-known amongst the muftis -- details the masa'il related to the qur'an and al-hayd, beginning from p.g. 487 V. 1 of his masterpiece, which can be accessed
. His conclusions are supported by most, if not all, the hanafi manuals before him, all the way back to the mu`tamad texts of dhahir ar-riwayah. These fuqaha' were not at all making things up, nor did they come to the same conclusion by mere chance. Rather they were analyzing the nusus through the refined principles, or usul, of al-imam abu hanifah and his students.
The details of these usul can be found in the books of the dhahir ar-riwayah which ibn `abidin lists:
وكتب ظاهر الروايات اتت*****ست وبالاصول ايضا سميت
صنفها محمد الشيباني*****حرر فيها المذهب النعماني
الجامع الصغير والكبير *******والسير الكبير والصغير
ثم الزيادات مع المبسوط*****تواترت بالسند المظبوط
كذا له مسائل النوادر *******اسنادها في الكتب غير ظاهر
وبعدها مسائل النوازل******خرجها الاشياخ بالدلائل
as well as books like the usul as-sarkhasi, usul al-bazdawi, usul al-jassas and others.
Reformists, or whatever you like you call yourselves, wish to chuck away 1400+ years of scholarship, and start from scratch forming your own usul -- with half the insight, material, energy and time of those before you -- and make your own mini-madhahib, specially tailored to your hawa e.g. judging ahadith by their mutun, disregarding their chains as we have seen you doing here, previously.
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