And besides what's wrong with salafis going through hanafi books only to refute them? it proves that they have brains and principles which they are following in fiqh. if they make it personal and bash the hanafi imams or mock thems ure then there's a problem or if they stuff down everyone's throat..but otherwise what's wrong with them going through a book refuting it's opinions and strengthening their own?? During dawra hadith do not the teachers refute the opinions of the schools that are not their own and strengthen the opinion of their own school int heir analysis of the different ahadith on a given topic? and this is done to strengthen the conviction of the students in their own madhab. if A shafi is going through dawra hadith under a hanafi teacher he may find that very little effort is given to defend the shafi opinions rather all effort is put into refuting them and strengthening the hanafi opinions at least that's what Shaykh Taha Karan said in one of his speeches about his last year in deoband.