May Allah forgive me for asking such a stupid question: I try my best to be the perfect muslim, following the example of nabiyullah sallahu alayhi wasalam. In this case i try my very best to lower my gaze, and how tough is this task when living in a city like this (london). So i'm a student at this college in west london, and there's a learning center or libary where students do extra study, i usually go there to catch up or to study in general. This beautiful girl who i don't know if she's muslim or not, for a while i noticed she looks at me at times, when i look back she looks away and talks to her frinds, today one of my friends told me that when i was walking out of the libary she was looking at me for a good 4 seconds, i try my best not to excite this situation, but i must not be harsh on this girl, and say "Don't give me looks" Neither would i walk up to her with the haram pick up line " U wanna go out with me" I still await to see how this situation elevates, I'd like to here from the muslim ummah how do i handle such a situation in a appropiate islamic way? Jazakallah.