Some of them are in the same class as me so it's a daily thing. But would not getting involved with them solve the hatred in my heart towards them? I have a feeling that it may go away, but once I either remember them or I see them, it will come back again. It's scary because I'm actually wishing and saying something very evil about my own muslim sisters! I don't know why I can't control this anger but I guess it's the betrayal from some of them. It's the betrayal that whenever I honestly try and maintain a straight forward relationship with them, they try and twist that into an invitation and to try and play a little game. Just that little look they have in their eyes and that prolonged stare - you know what I mean - it really makes them the most ugliest in my sight IMHO. How can you walk around pretending you're all modest and then give me that look? That's kind of like hypocrisy and betrayal. But they're still my muslim sisters? So I can't say things like that? If they physically make a move (like pull me or fall on me), and Allah knows best, I have a fear that I will punch them. Literally, destroy their face for good so they become an example to everyone else. And any other sister or brother that tries and do something to defend that person I will probably destroy them too. That's how serious and dangerous the situation is... Allahu musta'an