Can someone please advise and educate me, so that I don't have this hatred...
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03-21-2012, 07:38 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Just a suggestion - perhaps talk to someone who can actually assist you over come this. It sounds like you clearly have a lot of anger, and say if one day you do settle down and marry - would you be able to control this anger towards your wife...knowing you feel the way you do?
We as humans can be very cruel, doesn't matter where you are from. I have witnessed first hand two sisters who have corrupted memebers of my family, one turned my brother against our mother and father, the other turned my other brother against me! They seem to forget their actions have consequences, and that is what gets me through, knowing they will have to answer to Allah.
But you must also remember that women in Islam are respected. Is it not said somewhere that heaven lays at your mothers feet?
You can't paint everyone with the same brush, otherwise it will seriously cause problems in your future.
If you are really concerned and really want to do something about it, then that's a journey you need to take to better this state of mind. Again this is only a suggestion.
This probably isn't much help, I'm sorry
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