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Old 03-21-2012, 09:30 AM   #4

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Oct 2005
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Bismillahi Rahman iraheem
Assalaamu alaikum Wr Wb

Please help me, I'm in such a quandry. I keep having this to-ing and fro-ing with regards to whether to undertake a job for training in psychiatry.

Is this a halaal profession?
Am I at risk of loosing my iman or faith or ihsan to train in this area? (I am really worried about this)

I feel there are some therapies - CBT,FT, psychological techniques that can be use to help and even bring success to some.

But what about the prescribing of medication? What if that makes things worse?

I am torn - between my interest in learning more about what exactly goes on, and between having to section someone for a psychotic episode and prescribing sedative medication and feeling like im doing something wrong.

Please help - your thoughts, ideas insha'Allah.

I need to give a decision soon.

If I could learn, without prescribing, I'd be happy.

your humble sister in Islam
Wa Alaikum Salaam there are some situations where pscyhotropic meds are very much needed however if you feel some apprehension about prescribing meds maybe you might want to consider becoming a Psychologist, a Psychologist generally does not prescribe medicines and helps clients through Psychotherapy
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