Authobillahiminshaytaanirajeem Bismillahi Rahman iraheem Assalaamu alaikum Wr Wb Please help me, I'm in such a quandry. I keep having this to-ing and fro-ing with regards to whether to undertake a job for training in psychiatry. Is this a halaal profession? Am I at risk of loosing my iman or faith or ihsan to train in this area? (I am really worried about this) I feel there are some therapies - CBT,FT, psychological techniques that can be use to help and even bring success to some. But what about the prescribing of medication? What if that makes things worse? I am torn - between my interest in learning more about what exactly goes on, and between having to section someone for a psychotic episode and prescribing sedative medication and feeling like im doing something wrong. Please help - your thoughts, ideas insha'Allah. I need to give a decision soon. If I could learn, without prescribing, I'd be happy. your humble sister in Islam