Thread: Lucid Dreaming
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Old 03-15-2012, 05:10 PM   #33

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@ br silat- I am wondering as well. The only time I know I am dreaming is when I have a nightmare and I tell myself it's only a dream to wake up.
maybe there is benefit that we have yet to uncover/discover from this Lucid Dreaming phenomena. I do not know.

Therapy for amnesia patient perhaps ? or can improve memory, etc ...? Im just wild guessing. Maybe a knowledgeable person can provide more info.

I wonder if one perform the adaab & sunnah before sleeping, eg in wudhu, recite the muawwizaat, almulk, assajdah, alwaqi'ah, doa before sleeping, tasbeeh fatimiyyah ... etc, does one still able to experience this lucid dreaming phenomena ?

Very little knowledge we know about dreaming. But I believe the ulama are unanimous in that there are truthful dreams (al-Ru'ya al-Sadiqah, الرؤيا الصادقة) and empty dreams (adhghaath ahlaam, أضغاث أحلام).
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