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Old 11-01-2009, 07:54 PM   #37

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Now I am not a professional person regarding Shia Islam, but who is Omar Bin Ali Zainu'l Abedeen Bin Hussein Bin Ali Bin Abi Talib?

Zainu'l Abedeen had only two sons: Muhammad Al Baqir and Zayd Bin Ali. Both were Syeds because both were the sons of Zainu'l Abedeen who was the son of Imam Hussein, the 3rd Imam.

This proves that in order to be a syed, you would have to come from 12 imams which further proves that sunnis cannot be the majority of syeds as all syeds have a shia background.

Could you please give me the name of the Uncle of Imam Jaafar al sadiq?

Also, what is this belief of the Juda Imamah? Is this an islamic concept?
According to many twelvers Prophet PBUh never had daughters other than Fatima, also according to twelvers anyone called abu bakar or Umar or uthman is "denied", meaning that they deny his existence but guess what Their brothers the Zaidi Shiites actually expose their lies because in their texts Ali had a third and youngest son called Omar and that is common knowledge for them, in fact Twelver scholar use the most ridiculous excuses to prove that the Imams never named thier sons names such as "Uthman, Omar, Abu Bakr".

But before i tell you anything more, first answer my fundamental question above. Is the Imamah from usool el Din according to the twelvers?
bahrains27 is offline


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