Why do conservatives hate America?
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02-17-2011, 04:28 AM
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Nov 2005
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.....I can even remember a time when President George W. Bush went before the Chicago Bid Committee and U.S. Olympic Committee to declare - wait for it - that
"this country supports your bid, strongly."
All of a sudden, people are cheering in their offices when the United States fails to achieve its goals?
I had been going to write "this situation put conservatives in the odd position of rooting against America," but the simple fact is, that isn't odd for conservatives at all. Today's conservative disdain for the United States is not an isolated incident.
They have managed to "love" America so much that they've reset the whole scale, and now hate the country in a constant misguided quest to "love" it better than everybody else. They are like the husband who beats his wife because he "cares" about her, except they also don't want the wife voting or getting an education.
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