I think I found something similar in Arabic: وروى محمد بن الحسن عن أبي حنيفة أنه قال: أقلد من كان من القضاة المفتين من الصحابة كأبي بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي والعبادلة الثلاثة ولا أستجيز خلافهم برأيي إلا ثلاثة نفر - وفي رواية - أقلد جميع الصحابة ولا أستجيز خلافهم برأيي إلا ثلاثة نفر (أنس بن مالك وأبو هريرة وسمرة بن جندب) فقيل له في ذلك فقال: أما أنس فاختلط في آخر عمره وكان يستفتى فيفتي من عقله، وأنا لا أقلد عقله، وأما أبو هريرة فكان يروي كل ما سمع من غير أن يتأمل في المعنى ومن غير أن يعرف الناسخ من المنسوخ Muhammad bin al-Hassan narrated from abu Hanifa that he said: "I make Taqleed of the Muftis among the Sahaba like Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, 'Ali, 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas, 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, 'Abdulleh ibn al-Zubair and I would never oppose any of their Fatwas with a Fatwa based on my own opinion, except three: Anas bin Malik, abu Huraira and Sumrah bin Jondab." They asked him about this so he replied: "As for Anas his brain got confused at the end of his life so he started making Fatwas from his own head, I do not make Taqleed of his head. As for abu Huraira he used to narrate everything he heard from the Prophet (SAWS) without contemplating the meanings and without knowing what is abrogated." Comment: It seems quite different from what was quoted above in Wikipedia, what the Arabic text says (Considering that it is authentic in the first place), it doesn't say he doesn't accept the Hadith of those three, it says that his own opinions cannot contradict those of the major companions but they can contradict the opinions of the three men and he stated his reason. Another: روى أبو يوسف قال: قلت لأبي حنيفة: الخبر يجيئني عن رسول الله يخالف قياسنا، ما نصنع به؟ فقال: إذا جاءت به الرواة الثقات عملنا به وتركنا الرأي. فقلت: ما تقول في رواية أبي بكر وعمر؟ قال ناهيك بهما. فقلت: وعلي وعثمان؟ قال: كذلك. فلما رآني أعد الصحابة - قال: والصحابة كلهم عدول ما عدا رجالا. وعد منهم أبا هريرة وأنس بن مالك Abu Yusuf narrated: I said to abu Hanifa: "The narration reaches us from the Prophet (SAWS) and it contradicts our Qiyas, what do we make of it?" he replied: "If it reaches us through the trustworthy narrators we work with it and leave our opinion." I said: "What do you say about the narrations of Abu Bakr and 'Umar?" He said: "They are sufficient." I asked: "What about those of 'Uthman and 'Ali?" He replied: "Them as well" and when he saw that I was counting the Sahaba he said: "All of the companions are just except some men." and he counted among them abu Huraira and Anas bin Malik. Comment: Still we need a Hanafi scholar to tell us if abu Hanifa really said this or not, because it can be weak. Also it seems the two narrations directly contradict each-other as the first one doesn't mention anything about trustworthiness or justice of narrators. source: taken from an article written by Quranist who rejects hadith in the official Quranist website, probably the same can be found in Shia websites.