Assalamu alaykum There are millions of "dargahs" in Indian sub-continent. Ijtemal... knows that the activities there are shirk and bidat. Number of ahkaams of Allah swt are broken. But can the problem is solved by my declaring it to be haraam. Let us ponder upon: Why did baatil spread, because there was no haq. Why were we busy in debating whether the aameen should be said loudly or silently. It is not the "salaah" or "aqeedah of where is Allah swt" which is in danger, is the IMAAN of many of born muslims which is in danger. Brother itjamaul.. just enquire how many of muslims are wearing black dress or saffron dress and going to Sabrimalai, just enquire how many of muslims women are taking their children to shanee temple to put their children on the feet of the idol. What is my contribution, "I HAVE DECLARED THEM MUSHRIKS". If that is the case, no point in discussing here. Every one knows it is haraam, shirk and bidah.